Frontier Airlines Name Change Policy

The Frontier Airlines name change policy can assist you in a variety of situations wherein a change is required. Sometimes, the name on the ticket and ID may not match. In that event, departure may be refused. Or, the passenger may experience additional delays. This is when the policy comes in handy. It provides you access to certain flexibilities. Using these, you can easily ensure that your details are correct on your flight tickets.

What is Frontier Name Change Policy?

The name change policy can be understood as a feature of Frontier. It permits customers to change their names on the flight tickets. This policy covers several circumstances wherein such a change ought to be made. While altering the name, a customer must keep the guidelines in mind covered under this feature. 

This policy will be recommended for use when you go for Frontier seat selection. For this process to occur, it is vital that you use the correct information for reservation.

Note: With the Frontier name change policy, you can make changes to your middle, first, as well as last names.

Frontier Airlines Name Correction Policy

A part of the name change policy is effective for corrections. A flier may rectify a small error in their name with Frontier Airlines name correction policy. He/she can also request the airline for complimentary alterations on booking. This is in the case of legal name alterations. 

Frontier Airlines Name Change on Marriage

A legal situation gets created when you are traveling with Frontier but with a different name. This situation can result when the difference in name has occurred due to marriage. For women, such a situation is the most observed. This air service offers Frontier Airlines name change after marriage. To proceed with the feature, you will require documents that legally prove your marriage.

In certain situations, you may also require a name modification when a divorce has occurred. Should you want to switch back to the name before your marriage, then you can first legally get it changed. Afterward, you can connect with Frontier and opt for a proper name change procedure.

Frontier Name Change Rules:

One of the airline policy’s rules is that it does not allow passengers to transfer their ticket names to the other person. A passenger can change/correct the name according to the rules of policy. 

Just like this, there are some other rules that a passenger should know. These rules are given below:

  • Sometimes, the name can be incorrect on the ticket for any reason. A passenger can modify this name as long as the guidelines enable him or her.
  • The traveler’s name on the ticket should be matched with the ID. 
  • This policy can only grant a slight adjustment in the name.
  • Other changes like birthdate, seat change, etc., are not allowed in the Frontier name change policy.
  • In some circumstances, changing the name may not be possible. Then the policy allows the passengers to cancel the existing tickets. After this, they can rebook the ticket. This time, they can enter the correct details on their tickets.
  • A visitor ticket cannot be switched to another person. 
  • In the policy, fees may be applied for name changing. This will depend on certain factors like the type of your ticket.
  • Legal name changes like divorce and marriage are also permitted.

Methods to Change Name on Airline Ticket of Frontier

The Frontier Airlines change name on ticket feature can be used in a variety of ways. Firstly, a visitor can change her or his name by using this option online. Then, it will be exercised by visiting the website. Or else, he/she can visit the counter of the airport. In addition to this, contacting the airline is another feasible option. With this, personalized guidance is given to the customer. There is another method available using which you can particularly change your name due to marriage or divorce. It mainly requires you to send an email to Frontier.

Method 1: Modify Name over Call

Some visitors may want to change names on Frontier Airlines over the call. The carrier directly helps the passenger when this option is chosen. The airline’s customer care number. 

After you dial it, wait for the carrier to connect. When the call is connected, give the reference code to the carrier. Then request the carrier for altering the name. After that, the carrier will request the passengers to give the original documents information for verification. After that, the carrier will ask you for the fee. Once the payment is done, wait for the authentication. 

The procedure to change name on Frontier Airlines will be complete when you receive confirmation from the official. He or she may even provide you with a copy of these changes or a new ticket.

Method 2: Changing Name on Ticket through the Frontier Website

Changing Name on Ticket through the Frontier Website

The Frontier name change policy permits name change via the website. You can access the site at any time. What you mainly need to do is visit Here, you will see a tab that mentions My Trip/Check-in. You need to select this. It will ask you for certain information. As you provide this information, you can proceed further in changing your name or even correcting it.

Step 1: Start by opening the official site of this airline.

Step 2: Then you have to find the tab called “My Trip/Check-in”.

Step 3: After this, you will find a space for entering “Last Name”. Enter the detail correctly in this space.

Step 4: Then you can move to the next option and add the “Confirmation Code”.

Step 5: As you “Press Search”, you will find a new page.

On this page, you can find a relevant option that lets you change your name or correct it. Once the changes are done, please await for confirmation. It is possible that you may receive the confirmation on your mail.

Method 3: Change Name on Frontier Ticket by Visiting the Airport

Change Name on Frontier Ticket by Visiting the Airport

Name changes on tickets can also be done by visiting the airport. This option is more feasible for travelers who are present at the airport. It may also assure them of quick assistance in such a situation.

At the airport, you can give the correct information and request for an altering name. This information can be inclusive of your full name, the number of your ticket, your passport, etc. In case any other documents are needed to change name on Frontier tickets, then the airline will let you know of the same. Once all the documents have been provided, you can move ahead with the procedure.

Later on, the official at the airport will ask for the fees, if applicable. Once the payment is done, you will receive another confirmation with the proper name on the ticket. 

Note: You can modify your name before 3/three hours of your departure time. Prior to making the request for the change, it will be helpful to keep in mind this time limit. Otherwise, you can cancel your existing ticket. Later, you can make a new reservation and then fly with the correct details.

Method 4: Changing Name due to Marriage/Divorce

The airline comprehends that a passenger, particularly a female, may undergo marriage or divorce. In both situations, changes may be observed in her name. On Frontier name change after marriage/divorce is available. You need to obtain the official email address of the carrier. On this address, you can write and send your concern.

Please ensure to include all the relevant details as well as documents. The details can include your ticket’s information. In case of documents, you may need to attach a valid proof for the legal name change. You can await the response of the airline to go further with the name modifications.

Fee to Change Name on Frontier Airlines Ticket

As per some situations, Frontier Airlines also charges a fee for the altering of the name. In this event, a passenger may travel on a similar flight. After this, he/she must spend nearly 75 USD to modify his/her name. 

It is important to know that fees are charged according to the situations/conditions. Sometimes, the travelers do not need to pay the fees. This is observed when he/she makes the changes within 24 hours of purchasing the ticket. 

However, please note that the cost for name change on ticket may not remain exact. Frontier name change cost can vary as per the carrier. Therefore, for more details on the fee, you can contact the airline. 

Frontier Airlines is known for following the rules and regulations. This is also required when you are making changes related to your name on this carrier. In order to provide you with convenience, it keeps these Frontier name change policy rules simple. As you follow them, you can easily ensure that your personal information remains correct.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can you change the name on a plane ticket Frontier?

Yes, Frontier Airlines change name on ticket is possible. It is understood by the airline that several situations can occur due to which the detail may get inaccurately entered. Therefore, changing it can be vital. With the name change policy, introducing such changes on plane tickets is attainable.

2. How to correct Frontier Airlines misspelled name?

Frontier Airlines misspelled name can be modified/corrected by following specific guidelines. Such names can be corrected through various methods like visiting the site of the carrier. In addition to this, you can also contact the airline on its official number and share your concern.

3. Why does Frontier charge for a name change?

It is possible that due to occurrences like incorrect names, the airline may have to go through certain hassles. Therefore, it may apply a name change fee. The Frontier name change cost can vary as per the situation. In some instances, it may be low. To avoid paying a high fee, it is advised to go through the regulations of the name change policy.

4. How much does frontier airlines cost to change name on ticket?

In some cases, Frontier Airlines name change fee may be charged. Usually, the fee for altering the name is $75. Fees may vary/change, according to the situations or conditions. To know the exact cost, it will be suggested that you get in touch with this carrier at the earliest.

5. How Frontier Airlines name correction policy works?

Frontier Airlines name correction policy works according to certain guidelines. Only a few characters are permitted in the policy to be corrected. Keeping this limit in mind, you can ensure that your details are right.

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2 years ago

I had to change name on Frontier ticket and I went through the chatbot feature provided by the airline. It was not very useful to me. Through chatbot, I received the information but not properly provided. Instead, I should call the customer care department to solve my query.

Patrick Kale
Patrick Kale
2 years ago

Hey I was travelling for the first time with this airline. Then my mother informed me that my name was not correct on the ticket. But I don’t know how to change name on Frontier ticket. tried to get my name changed on the ticket anyhow. The only thing I was bothered about was the process was that it was too slow. They are asking for documents as well.

Vickie C. Tucker
Vickie C. Tucker
2 years ago

Was about to add my middle name on the ticket. But got to know the frontier airlines cost to change name on ticket. Quite relieving to find that middle name isn’t required as a necessary piece of info. Saved myself from paying a sum.

J. Whitley
J. Whitley
2 years ago

We have booked our tickets with Frontier. Our name on the ticket was wrong. But we have provided the proper information as the fault was of the airline. So we decided to visit the airport for the issue regarding the Frontier name change on the ticket. But the officials at the airport denied their fault and charged a fee for the name change service. We decided to cancel the ticket and get a refund.

Jennifer J. Osborn
Jennifer J. Osborn
2 years ago

My father was shocked to see the frontier airlines name change fees. It was too expensive for the passengers to take the name change service. One can think before going for the name change process. I should advise everyone to double-check their personal details before booking. 

Jeffrey E. Glass
Jeffrey E. Glass
2 years ago

was referring to the Frontier Airlines change name on ticket. The guidelines and the criteria were mentioned. It can help the passengers with their name-changing procedure. Further, I have read the fees, a little bit the fees are more as compared to other airlines. Some even let you do the change for free. Frontier being low cost, should it charge such a fee?

Allen L. Griffin
Allen L. Griffin
2 years ago

Flying with Frontier has always bene a great experienc. I consider it to be a great airline with connectivity to Mexico. But this is only when you board successfully. It is quite strict about identification info. I never had to change name on Frontier ticket because I’m always double checking my details but I have seen people struggling while boarding just for petty name issues.

Michael A. Crume
Michael A. Crume
2 years ago

For frontier airlines name ought to be correct. It is so adamant about this that it has made an entire policy for frontier airlines change name on ticket. I was traveling from an expensive class. I thought that for this class the change would be free. It seems to have same policies for the flyers. I remember paying around 70$ back in 2019.